
Besi & Birdie swimming with Jack

Swimming with Jack Longo,
our handsome Black Labrador brother,
in the Ballona Creek

between Marina del Rey & Playa del Rey

"Besi, sit!...Good girl!"
with our Daddy Bill
Revisiting the whirlpool hole
sucked Besi in
and killed Koko last May 22, 1998

Birdie: "I caught myself a Blondie!"
Jack with his Daddy Bob
"Me first!"
"No fair, I wasn't ready for that!"
first run
Jack back first
Birdie got the ball, Besi back last
Another run
Birdie back first
"I'll just wait here."
"Sit, stay, watch the ball...."
"Go!....last one in is a pussy!"
"Wait for me!"
All in
"I'm gonna get it!"
"Where is that ball?"
"Got it!"
Coming back
Getting closer
"Almost there!"
"Touch down!"
"That was fun!...again...again!"

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