our Yellow & Chocolate Labrador Retrievers, and their friends
Chocolate, not good for my Chocolate!
Every time we have out-of-town guests staying over, I often forget to warn them that if they have any food in their luggage, to make sure to put a lock on the zippers or shut the bedroom door. Birdie, my eight year old chocolate Labrador, is sucha foodaholic, that she manages to unzip/open/break/tear anything that stores food. As I left the office on Friday, I suddenly had a craving for chocolate, grabbed a handful of kisses, made the mistake of throwing them inside my backpack and forgetting about them. A day later, Birdie, seemed like she had lost all control of her motor skills. It was obvious she was in terrible pain. Bill asked me if she had ingested anything. I never saw any telltale evidence, such as laid out empty wrappers, so I thought nothing of it. It only dawned on me the next day what could have been the possible culprit. We went to the pet store and embarrassingly explained our quandary. The clerk nonchalantly said that it happens all the time, and verified that chocolate is toxic for dogs. He gave me these dog biscuits made of activated carbon/charcoal/coal. As soon as I gave it to Birdie, she released several chocolate covered in foil out from her Hershey highway, and immediately came back to her normal hyperactive self. Phfeew! No more Hershey Kisses or any chocolate for my bitch!
I am the result of an accidental and final creative effort between my mother, a writer & retired hotelier who comes from a musical family, and my father, a joker & retired airline man who has an enormous zest for life. People who know them well have said that I've inherited the best of their gifts. This is an attempt to share parts of my mundane life, which include entries about my family, my "in-laws", my friends, my pets, my travels, my adventures, my goofing around, and some of my feeble endeavors in writing, poetry, and song writing, etc. Hope you like my bloggerole of rigmarole ... my bloggerdash of balderdash!
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